If you’ve thought of selling your home but aren’t sure if you’re ready, there are some signs to watch for to see if you are truly ready. Not everyone is, but if you find any of the signs to be true, you may want to consider selling your home.

Signs You’re Ready to Sell


Your home isn’t the right size anymore:

Your family may have outgrown your current home. If you are adding to your family by having more children or getting more pets, you may need more space. Likewise, your house may have outgrown you. This happens when your older kids move out or go away to college. Without kids in the house, you won’t need as much space or as many bedrooms.


You don’t feel any negative emotions when thinking about it:

If you’ve thought about selling your home and you don’t feel sad or anxious about it, you likely don’t have any emotional attachment to the home. Sometimes that is the one factor that prevents people from selling. If this isn’t a problem for you, then it’s time to make the jump.


Your finances are in order:

If you can afford to go through the process of selling your home and buying a new one, you can consider yourself ready to sell your home. While you will sometimes make money off of the home you are selling; you’ll still need money for a down payment on a new home. You’ll also need money for moving and any other expenses that may occur.


You know what comes next in the selling process:

If you already have a plan in mind and know where you want to live next, this could be a good indicator that you are ready to sell your home. Another way to know is knowing the exact type of home you want next. If you are making these kinds of plans and know what you want to do next, you’re likely ready to sell. Additionally, if you know the steps in the selling process because you’ve been doing research, you are definitely ready to make the change.


Selling your home could be an emotional or stressful time, but if you are truly ready to sell, it won’t be so bad. If any of the points above are signs that you exhibit, reach out to a realtor to determine what to do next.