Five Things Millennials Look for When Purchasing a Home

Five Things Millennials Look for When Purchasing a Home

The Millennial generation has different wants and needs when it comes to home buying. Especially when compared to their parents and grandparents. Most real estate markets mainly consist of buyers in this age group; their preferences have been studied and documented by...
Top Turn-Offs to Potential Home Buyers

Top Turn-Offs to Potential Home Buyers

When selling a home, it’s essential to check that there are not any potential issues that will turn buyers away. When buyers come to tour a house, they’re expecting a clean, fresh-smelling, and organized area. So, before putting the home on the market, keep an eye out...
Key Factors That Influence a Home’s Value

Key Factors That Influence a Home’s Value

Like most people, buying a home is probably the biggest investment you’ll ever make in your lifetime. As a result, it’s important to understand the factors that influence its value. This is the type of information that’s important to know whether you are buying or...
Should You Flip A House?

Should You Flip A House?

We all want to be the next Chip and Joanna Gaines and wow the world with breathtaking renovations and build ourselves a real estate empire. Buying, renovating, and subsequently selling an inexpensive property can be a great investment. But before you buy that next...
Making Your Client Feel Comfortable About Selling Their Home

Making Your Client Feel Comfortable About Selling Their Home

As a real estate broker, you are given the chance to step into a very meaningful part of your client’s life. The process of selling a home full of memories is significant and no small task. A successful real estate broker will be able to approach this life event with...